Civil Process
About Us
The Civil Process Division of Boone County is responsible for a number of duties designated by the courts. The Civil Division Officer acts as a court liaison, or officer of the court. The Civil Division is to perform duties for the court such as the service of civil process paperwork. This can include, but is not limited to, summons, subpoenas, restraining orders, notices, sheriff sales, evictions, and order to appear.
Read the Glossary
- Summons – An order or command to attend or appear in court, particularly to respond as a defendant to a charge;
- Subpoena – A written legal order directing a person or business to appear in court to give testimony or to produce records;
- Order – A command or direction from the court to appear or perform a duty or duties for the court;
- Notice – An announcement of information given to defendants as a warning of intention to end a particular agreement;
- Injunction – A writ or order from a court prohibiting a person from carrying out a given action or ordering a particular action to be taken;
- Eviction – The process of removing a tenant or renter from a leased premise by legal procedure, as for failure to pay rent; also, closely linked to WRIT OF ASSISTANCE;
- Execution – A writ or order issued by a court giving authority to put a judgment into effect;
- Judgment – A debt or other obligation resulting from a court order;
- Order to Appear – An order from the court directing a defendant to appear in person in said court on a particular date and time;
- Garnishment – A notice ordering a person not to dispose of a defendant’s property or money in his possession pending further settlement of a lawsuit;
- Guardianship –Paperwork from the courts, legally appointing a guardian to take charge of the affairs of a minor or an incapacitated person;
- Joint Preliminary Injunction – An order from the court directing the defendant not to dispose of any joint property of the parties without written permission of the court;
- Restraining Order – An order from the court directing the defendant to refrain from abusing, harassing, disturbing the peace of, or committing battery or bodily injury upon the plaintiff; also referred to as a PROTECTIVE ORDER;
- Immediate Possession – An order or petition from the court directing the defendant to relinquish all rights of the property to the plaintiff; usually occurs after non-payment of rent or lease;
- Petition to Revoke – An order or petition from the court revoking probation on the defendant, usually due to violation of laws or rules set-aside by probation;
- Emergency Detention – An order directing law enforcement to detain and transport defendant, who at the time may be mentally incapacitated, in such a manner as to help protect defendant from harm to himself/herself or others;
- Rule to Show Cause – A court order directing the defendant to appear in person of said court; usually issued when defendant has failed to appear at a previous scheduled time and date. If defendant fails to appear at Rule to Show Cause hearing, a warrant will be issued for defendant’s arrest.
- Sheriff Sale – A court order directing the Sheriff’s Department to sell defendant’s property (usually real estate) to satisfy judgment owed to the plaintiff.
Civil Process Paperwork
If you have been unable to find a specific definition of civil process, please contact the Boone County Sheriff’s Office at (765) 483-6418, and simply ask for the Civil Process Division. Someone will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
There are many different types of civil process paperwork that the Civil Process Division serves each day. Many of the different types of the civil paperwork can be left at the door of the defendant or with someone at the residence other than the defendant. Another copy of the paperwork is then mailed to the defendant, according to state statute. This type of paper is referred to as a “leaver”.
Paperwork that cannot be left at a residence, either on the door or with someone at the residence, is called a “reader”. This type of paperwork is usually an order to appear; some type of restraining order; or some type of order that, if an appearance is not made, a warrant will be issued. If the defendant is not home at the time that service is attempted, the Civil Process Officer will leave a note directing the defendant to come to the Boone County Sheriff’s office to pick up his/her paperwork. The note will designate dates and times when the civil process paperwork can be picked up. If the defendant fails to pick up his/her paperwork, the court may find that punishment upon the defendant is probable.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What do I do with a summons that has been left in my door that is not for me or anyone that lives with me?
Call the Civil Process Division at 765 483-6418 .
Q2: Where to do I send payment for civil process by the sheriff?
All payments are processed by the Boone County Clerk’s Office
Q3: What is the current fee for civil process?
Paperwork that is filed in the State of Indiana is $28.00 per cause number, out of state is $62.00 per cause number.
Q4: How many summons copies should be sent to the sheriff for service?
3 copies per individual listed on the summons and the receipt from the Boone County Clerks Office showing a paid Sheriff service fee.
Q5: How do I request notification that the summons has been served?
Include a self-addressed stamped envelope when paperwork is sent to our office for service.
Q6: How do I eFile
Our Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
1905 Indianapolis Ave
Lebanon, IN 46052
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